Thursday, April 10, 2008
meet me by the moonlight on 8:17 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Chinese and more Chinese.
Inconceivable, but i find myself facing chinese everyday in a great attempt to improve my chinese and by faith i claim a B for chinese. :D
Once again, i must admit that i cant do it with my own strength. To even have the motivation to read my chinese model essays (东兵北原)and my chinese newspaper(星期五周报)is a miracle itself. haha By His Grace will i do exceedingly well.
DADDY: 你的爱何等奇妙耶稣你被钉在十字架 把自己献为祭你的宝血为我流 洗净我一切的罪
眼泪是为我哭 一点一滴都充满爱
罪的代价 在你身上 全钉在十字架
主你的爱 主你的恩日夜跟随我
你是我主 你也是我亲密的朋友
主你的心 刻着我名 你是我避难所
爱何等深 爱何等阔 爱何等奇妙
耶稣你竟然为我舍命 因你真心爱我
在我寂寞的时刻 你双手拥抱着我
又轻轻对我说 你永远不离弃我
破碎生命 今已复活幸福属于我with love, your most beloved child , Alyn <3
meet me by the moonlight on 8:13 PM